Lately, I find it strewn with spider webs occupied by tiny inhabitants and their prey. Spiders so minuscule are barely scary, even to an arachnophobe like me. But the feeling of invisible thread on my arms that won't easily brush off makes me hyper-sensitive to any hint of crawling. Whether it's a spider or just my imagination, I flap my hands about my head like a lunatic.
Best to avoid this predicament if possible. Bad for me, bad for the spiders.
If I told you this was the reason I don't get out enough, would you believe me?
I have a similar issue with spiders and webs, but it's more specific. I am certain that any creeping tickling feeling inside from bicycle helmet is not just a hair rearranging itself as I ride. Oh no no no no no. It must be a wasp trapped in there about to sting my head, a spider setting up a hatchery in my hair, or some other crawly thing messing around where it doesn't belong. So, in traffic, I will pull over, whip off my helmet and shake it all about. Safely, of course, and only after using proper hand signals to alert those riding behind me that I am about to toss a fit. Heh.
Omigod. I would so get into an accident.
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