Northbound on the Rue Clarke bike path between St-Viateur and Bernard. Evening. Hooded figure yanks dog leash. Pinched female voice exclaims to either me or the dog "Faites attention!"
Eastbound on Rue de Castelnau heading towards Avenue de Gaspé. Windy, overcast afternoon. A slight man in his fifties is gesturing wildly to someone walking away from him on the sidewalk. Cigarette dangling, grey pompadour swaying, arms flailing, he yells "No cheese!"
Remember that time when you lived at my place for TEN WEEKS (I know you'd like to think it was TWO but is was TEN)?
Remember that one morning when we woke up to someone screeching 'Jesus Christ Superstar' on the bagpipes in the alleyway of the military base across the street?
This post made me think of that.
Random events are weird but they certainly stay with us.
Ten weeks you say? I can't believe it was that long. It passed in the *blink* of an eye!
I like playing the "things overheard" game at the grocery store in the concourse below my office. Standouts include:
1. an old wizened woman holding a massive shrinkwrapped cucumber straight on in her fist, about belt-level, and shouting, "I'd sure like to take this great big one!"
2. A man standing surrounded by shelf-stockers who were all listening quite rapt, opening a carton of cookies and shoving one into his mouth, then demanding a stapler, and demonstrating, "See? This here tab, it don't close no box at all! But staples, them'll do it every time! See? Fresh for when you want the next one!" At which point, he demonstrated how easily staples come back out of cardboard when you're ready for another cookie.
: )
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