Friday, August 7, 2009

Hearts of Something

The evening is winding down. The wine's gone, Guillaume's gone to bed, and Kurt's turning off the iPod. Switching stereo functions, the radio comes on. Three seconds of
Bridge Over Troubled Waters plays. Kurt turns it off.

Kim: Was that Bridge Over Troubled Water?

Kurt: Yes. I hate that song.

Kim: How can you hate Bridge Over Troubled Water? Who hates Bridge Over Troubled Water? God. You have a heart of stone. Stone and lemon juice.

Kurt: I can't even begin to imagine what your heart's made of.
Oh wait, I know ...
And bubblegum.

Kim: G'night.

Kurt: G'night.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I hate that song too. Maybe I am a jerk! Uh-oh!