Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tip of the Day

No matter how many points you've scored with the boss, and no matter how much professional capital you think you've banked, it's probably still not enough to get away with bringing a half-eaten ice cream cone to your mid-year performance review.


Marissa said...

I take it the meeting was a videoconference?

Amanda said...

So true. In future, bring a full ice cream cone to your meeting/ annual review/ other official office engagement, and offer it to your boss...taking care that your bribe appears like a generous and kind-hearted offering and not like the bribe it truly is.

Kim said...

It was indeed a videoconference. So I was in the uncomfortable position of being seen with my cone, but unable to offer one to the TV screen. I know I should've thrown it out beforehand. But ... I love lemon sorbet! And it was on a sugar cone and I LOVE sugar cones and I hadn't even started that part! And, and ... I was still hungry! And ...