Monday, July 6, 2009

Creature Comfort

We came across this at a gas station today:

Ah, the French. Always trying to make life more comfortable. Look, I feel better already!

We hung out at La Calanque de Port d'Alon today. We were happy that there was a restaurant there so we didn't have to drive anywhere. That sure made things more comfortable. And with our new gloves -- bliss!

The glove is also useful for making certain tasks more pleasant:

Disclaimer: Photoshop was not used in any of the photos appearing on this blog.


Stacey said...

Well, at least you didn't go for the obvious DRE pic. Otherwise, I almost passed out laughing.

jool said...

hey, was Kurt going à la Provençal and passing on the Speedo? Then indeed the gloves would come in handy!

Amanda said...!

Kurt said...

Rest assured my fair ladies, the speedo was present and accounted for. It is however, a low rise JUST cut off by the photo. Funny - both Kim and I commented on how I looked nude, but weren't sure that it made a difference in the end...

I must disagree that a DRE pic would have been far from obvious... ew.

Marissa said...

Crazy French gloves... wow..